Macha全面基础跟踪教程 Digital Tutors Your First Day Using mocha in After Effects

在本系列教程中,我们将学习mocha AE。我们先学习如何从 After Effects内部访问mocha。我们将使用在整个课程中熟悉接口和不同的工具。如何学习强大的mocha,通过跟踪一个简单的平面表面。
Duration 1h 14m Project Files Included MP4
In this series of tutorials, we will be taking a look at our first day in mocha AE. We’ll start by learning how to access mocha from inside of After Effects. We’ll get familiar with the interface and the different tools we’ll be using throughout the course. We’ll learn how powerful mocha is by tracking a simple planar surface.
Next, we’ll import tracking data into After Effects and apply it to a layer in our project and learn how to make adjustments. We’ll also track more problematic surfaces and figure out what to do to overcome these issues.By the end of this course you’ll know how to track easy and difficult surfaces in mocha and export that tracking and shape data for use in your After Effects project.
01. Introduction and course overview
02. Getting familiar with the tools and interface
03. Tracking planar surfaces
04. Adjusting our track
05. Exporting data to After Effects
06. Tracking problematic surfaces
07. Overcoming obstacles in your tracking
08. Exporting multiple tracking information into After Effects
09. Using mocha to create shape data and manual keying
10. How to export shape data to After Effects


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★.Drag & Drop Series 第2季系列8套超值高品质视觉特效
★.31个高清水墨转场素材带Alpha通道 HD Ink

百度云会员链接链接密码: rrj9 迅雷快盘会员链接
Mocha Pro v4.0.1免费下载地址:https://www.cgown.com/material/software/12872.html





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